How Will You Live a New Normal?

Every morning this week, the national news starts with, "We're here for you as we all learn to live with a new normal."
But it struck me that my new normal began about a month ago.
The timing of this global crisis with another new normal couldn't align more with what mom, Robert, and I have been going through already.
We were already learning how to live life differently, so adding more shifts into the mix right now fits.
You've probably noticed that the impact of this pandemic is shining the light on the true character of people and what they believe in to get through life.
From my vantage point - and maybe yours, too - I see extreme behaviors and reactions.
Some people are handling the situation with fear and worry while others are acting like it is "business as usual" as they try to capitalize on the situation creatively.
It is hard to believe, but some people persist in mocking the severity of things.
Yet, others have seen this as a wake-up call and are choosing to deepen their faith and beliefs.
These scenarios remind me of two other moments in "recent" history: Y2K and 9/11.
Fear was the common denominator then as it is now.
Many who had created their own versions of morality found--and now find-- themselves calling out to the Lord for help.
No matter which reaction you are displaying, know this: God is not shocked or surprised by the situation we find ourselves.
Instead of dedicating one day to prayer or hosting a virtual prayer meeting—consider finding ways to weave God into every aspect of your life.
Consider making your new normal a stepping off point for shining brightly and taking a stand for things that are right, true, and good.
Instead of posting snarky things about a political entity (no matter which "side" you're on)…
Instead of appealing to the human desire to get wealthy by copying a successful entrepreneur's roadmap or blueprint…
Instead of finding ways to get people to open their wallets by using fear, hype, conjecture, and manipulation…
Instead of hoarding things and trying to sell them for a profit…
Why not take a stand by intentionally sharing thoughts and ideas that are only true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, and praiseworthy?
Why not set yourself apart from the crowd by finding ways to show love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
Won't you join me in making your new normal different?
There are so many ways to do this in life - even from the confines of your own home.
In the coming posts, I will share tips for living a "new normal" built on trust, hope, and faith without fear, manipulation, and hype.