Are You Just Splooshing Around or Making Real Progress?

It's no secret that I’m addicted to water adventures.
(Anytime there’s an opportunity to do something on or in the water—I dive in.)
Our latest excursion involved whitewater rafting down the French Broad River in North Carolina.
A few terms were added to my vocabulary during the trip, including “splooshing” and “woo factor.”
Our raft guide described each rapid—before we went through them—with a “splooshing factor” and a “woo factor.”
Splooshing is the heavy splashing sound you create with your raft and paddle when you’re traveling through rapids.
And the “woo factor” is determined by how loudly you scream at the top of your lungs when something exciting or scary happens.
He explained that while a particular rapid might be labeled as class II or III—increased splooshing equals greater excitement, and a higher woo factor ensured more thrills and fun.
(The concepts of woo and splooshing suddenly become very clear once you’re navigating a whitewater rapid in a raft. Trust me :-)
What Are You Doing (or Not Doing)?
When you think about your business and life — are you just splooshing around or making real progress?
Are you stressed and joyless?
Do you work on moving forward and creating a “woo factor?”
Or are you complacently going through the motions each day?
Do you find your mind dripping with so many ideas that you can’t keep up with them all?
Are you saturated with so much input from others that you feel a bit overwhelmed?
Maybe you’re moving forward, but you’re in a constant struggle to get everything done.
Do you feel like your splooshing noises gets everything and everyone around you wet—but you’re getting nowhere fast?
What if you could increase your “woo factor” and make real progress?
How to Increase Your “Woo Factor”
Let’s look at ways to turn things around and start heading in the right direction.
I’ve created a 3D Process: Determine, Distill, and Deliver that has helped many transition from joyless to joyful in their businesses and life.
Here’s what to do:
- Determine your vision, message, or project.
You do this by walking through a series of questions to help you extract your ideas and preserve them. [Download a list of these questions here.]
- Distill the actual steps you need to move forward.
Once you have your ideas, you’ll want to map out the action steps you need to take. You may even map out the steps others need to follow.
- Deliver results for yourself and customers.
This step is where you get serious and quit splooshing around. Take action and work on conveying your vision, message, or project with clarity.
Determining, distilling, and delivering your idea or solutions isn’t a “one and done thing.”
No matter what you’re trying to achieve, these steps are something you must carve out time to work on in some way every day.
When you apply this three-step process to your copywriting, business, project, or life—you are guaranteed to see results.
I’ve done this 3D Process with so many things in my own life and have seen the results.
I’ve also walked through these steps with my clients and helped them achieve great results.
So if you’re tired of splooshing along without results…
If you want to transform your joyless stress into joyfulness…
If you’re ready to take action your business or life goals…
I challenge you to carve out time to start working on these steps today.
Get started on the first step by downloading the list of questions you need to ask yourself.
There’s no catch. I just want to serve you by helping you to step into a joyful life.