The Hidden Success Secret Most Entrepreneurial Business Owners Forget to Do

If you’re the type of person that sits back and expects things to happen for you—then this blog post isn’t for you.
But if you’re the type of entrepreneur that is driven to succeed—then you’ll appreciate the thoughts I’m writing here.
You’re probably an A-type personality, like me, that creates goals and does whatever it takes to realize the results.
You’re so focused on succeeding that working towards your goal is similar to a thirst that you cannot quench.
You know that if you pay your dues and put in the effort—you will see the fruits of your labor.
You’re committed to reaching your project goal(s) even if it requires working seven days a week with 12-hour days.
But what happens when you cross a goal line?
Do you take your foot off the gas when you are on the other side of your big, hairy project?
Or do you simply move onto the next thing on your never-ending list of things to accomplish?
If you are a genuine A-type entrepreneur that is passionate about succeeding, the answer is probably, "yes, I move onto the next thing on your list."
You are known for burning the midnight oil striving to complete one project after the next.
And when you get one thing completed, you quickly move onto the next item without blinking your eyes.
What if I were to tell you that you’re missing something that is vitally important to your success?
I know what it is because I’m just like the person I described here.
Read on for a story that you may be able to relate to… and to learn the hidden secret for success.
Driven to Meet An Audacious Goal: A Short Product Launch Runway
An internationally renowned client came to us for copywriting support for their next launch.
Their online product already sold well.
But they knew that their results would get better with the right direct response copywriting to level-up their sales.
They’d already set their launch calendar before connecting with us for copywriting support.
What typically took many months of planning and copywriting, needed to occur within less than 30 days.
This may seem simple to the untrained eye, but a Jeff Walker-Style Product Launch requires an intense amount of planning and copywriting.
And you can’t just write about anything quickly and call it a day.
As the copywriter, you have to learn the product, understand the audience you’re trying to reach, and… if you want to do this right… you must follow the copywriting guidelines and frameworks taught by Ray Edwards.
Without getting into the nuances of this particular product launch, let’s just say that we (me and a team of copywriters) pulled it off.
We not only delivered more than 90 pieces of copy to the client on time, but we delivered it early.
(Okay - only by one day - but still that counts as “early” in my book.)
By the time we got to the other side, I felt beyond saturated with the copy for this product launch.
(Did I mention that while I was neck deep in writing and managing this product launch copy, I was still meeting the copywriting and marketing needs of my other clients?)
When I woke up the day after meeting this goal, I was numb.
Numb with excitement for meeting the goal.
But I was also drained and exhausted from being so focused on meeting the deadline for the short runway while managing my other clients' needs.
So you know what I did next?
Well, I did what any good entrepreneur does…I crossed the launch copy deadline off my list and jumped onto the next project I needed to accomplish.
In fact, that morning I had to conduct a media training session for a client who had an on-camera interview with FOX News - and then go attend the live interview with the client… and then I…
Well, I got back to my desk, turned on my computer, and started to write copy for a different client project when it hit me…
I was zonked.
My batteries were running low.
My creativity wasn’t as sharp.
It felt like I was walking through a pool of mud and sludge.
Discovering the Hidden Secret for Success
After working myself to the bone and successfully hitting my targets — I realized that I was missing something valuable.
I felt off my A-game, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.
I kept wondering what was wrong with me.
Then it hit me… I needed to unplug and recharge my batteries intentionally.
I needed a moment to change my perspective before I did anything else.
I needed more than a short moment to pause or reflect.
My mind required a chunk of time to do something different.
So that’s what I did.
I spent a few hours of “me time.”
No Internet. No texting. No work. No deadlines.
But this insight wasn’t one dimensional.
This wasn’t a one and done kind of thing.
At the time, investing in recharging was me just doing what my body and mind needed.
Little did I realize that this was something that I’ve needed to schedule time to do for a long time.
In fact, I know now that recharging and changing my perspective is vital to my ongoing success.
As A-Types, we are passionate and driven to reach our personal and business goals.
We’ll do whatever it takes, and once we’ve achieved it… we quickly move onto the next thing.
But when we do that, we’re shortchanging ourselves and the results we are capable of achieving on future projects and goals.
I now see that when I’m intentional about scheduling recharging times into my routine, I’ll be more successful in whatever I do.
Let me challenge you to build recharge time into your routine.
I guarantee you’ll be better equipped to accomplish the next things on your list.
Need help planning and writing copy that product launch copy? Tap into my direct response copywriting and marketing skills. It all starts with a conversation. Schedule one with me today when you CLICK HERE.
But if you’re the type of entrepreneur that is driven to succeed—then you’ll appreciate the thoughts I’m writing here.
You’re probably an A-type personality, like me, that creates goals and does whatever it takes to realize the results.
You’re so focused on succeeding that working towards your goal is similar to a thirst that you cannot quench.
You know that if you pay your dues and put in the effort—you will see the fruits of your labor.
You’re committed to reaching your project goal(s) even if it requires working seven days a week with 12-hour days.
But what happens when you cross a goal line?
Do you take your foot off the gas when you are on the other side of your big, hairy project?
Or do you simply move onto the next thing on your never-ending list of things to accomplish?
If you are a genuine A-type entrepreneur that is passionate about succeeding, the answer is probably, "yes, I move onto the next thing on your list."
You are known for burning the midnight oil striving to complete one project after the next.
And when you get one thing completed, you quickly move onto the next item without blinking your eyes.
What if I were to tell you that you’re missing something that is vitally important to your success?
I know what it is because I’m just like the person I described here.
Read on for a story that you may be able to relate to… and to learn the hidden secret for success.
Driven to Meet An Audacious Goal: A Short Product Launch Runway
An internationally renowned client came to us for copywriting support for their next launch.
Their online product already sold well.
But they knew that their results would get better with the right direct response copywriting to level-up their sales.
They’d already set their launch calendar before connecting with us for copywriting support.
What typically took many months of planning and copywriting, needed to occur within less than 30 days.
This may seem simple to the untrained eye, but a Jeff Walker-Style Product Launch requires an intense amount of planning and copywriting.
And you can’t just write about anything quickly and call it a day.
As the copywriter, you have to learn the product, understand the audience you’re trying to reach, and… if you want to do this right… you must follow the copywriting guidelines and frameworks taught by Ray Edwards.
Without getting into the nuances of this particular product launch, let’s just say that we (me and a team of copywriters) pulled it off.
We not only delivered more than 90 pieces of copy to the client on time, but we delivered it early.
(Okay - only by one day - but still that counts as “early” in my book.)
By the time we got to the other side, I felt beyond saturated with the copy for this product launch.
(Did I mention that while I was neck deep in writing and managing this product launch copy, I was still meeting the copywriting and marketing needs of my other clients?)
When I woke up the day after meeting this goal, I was numb.
Numb with excitement for meeting the goal.
But I was also drained and exhausted from being so focused on meeting the deadline for the short runway while managing my other clients' needs.
So you know what I did next?
Well, I did what any good entrepreneur does…I crossed the launch copy deadline off my list and jumped onto the next project I needed to accomplish.
In fact, that morning I had to conduct a media training session for a client who had an on-camera interview with FOX News - and then go attend the live interview with the client… and then I…
Well, I got back to my desk, turned on my computer, and started to write copy for a different client project when it hit me…
I was zonked.
My batteries were running low.
My creativity wasn’t as sharp.
It felt like I was walking through a pool of mud and sludge.
Discovering the Hidden Secret for Success
After working myself to the bone and successfully hitting my targets — I realized that I was missing something valuable.
I felt off my A-game, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.
I kept wondering what was wrong with me.
Then it hit me… I needed to unplug and recharge my batteries intentionally.
I needed a moment to change my perspective before I did anything else.
I needed more than a short moment to pause or reflect.
My mind required a chunk of time to do something different.
So that’s what I did.
I spent a few hours of “me time.”
No Internet. No texting. No work. No deadlines.
But this insight wasn’t one dimensional.
This wasn’t a one and done kind of thing.
At the time, investing in recharging was me just doing what my body and mind needed.
Little did I realize that this was something that I’ve needed to schedule time to do for a long time.
In fact, I know now that recharging and changing my perspective is vital to my ongoing success.
As A-Types, we are passionate and driven to reach our personal and business goals.
We’ll do whatever it takes, and once we’ve achieved it… we quickly move onto the next thing.
But when we do that, we’re shortchanging ourselves and the results we are capable of achieving on future projects and goals.
I now see that when I’m intentional about scheduling recharging times into my routine, I’ll be more successful in whatever I do.
Let me challenge you to build recharge time into your routine.
I guarantee you’ll be better equipped to accomplish the next things on your list.
Need help planning and writing copy that product launch copy? Tap into my direct response copywriting and marketing skills. It all starts with a conversation. Schedule one with me today when you CLICK HERE.