Is Your Marketing Missing Authentic Joy? Get Tips 👇🏻
Imagine scrolling through your social media feed, bombarded by messages like "Limited-time offer!" or "Only 5 left in stock!"
A familiar pit forms in your stomach. The new gadget or solution...
Imagine this: John, owner of "Knead of Love Bakery," receives an email from a major grocery chain offering the opportunity for national distribution of his sourdough product. It seems like a dream...
After speaking at the Called, Confident, & Chosen Summit 2024, I had the opportunity to participate in a meet and greet session by the Summit host.
During this gathering of speakers and...
Cat Domingo of Go Solo recently interviewed me to learn more about my business and how I show up in the world. What I loved most about this opportunity was the ability to share tips for anyone...
Last week, I had the opportunity to speak during a Virtual Summit about using copywriting to move from Joyless to JoyFUL.
Facilitated like a podcast interview on video, the energy of the live...