Core Values for Joy Capps & Team
aka Our Code of Ethics
Joy Capps | Engaging Business Communications, LLC and her team agree to this code of ethics when conducting business, providing services, speaking, teaching, or coaching.
As a Spirit-Led communications strategist and relationship-building copywriter, Joy Capps and any team member who supports her business will seek to:
- Apply honesty, humility, and fairness in all relationships.
- Bestow courtesy, dignity, and respect in interactions with others.
- Communicate and collaborate in a timely, respectful, transparent, and confidential manner.
- Convey genuine interest, sincerity, and honesty.
- Create healthy boundaries that foster mutual respect.
- Do our best in all things according to Biblical principles.
- Demonstrate love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control to the best of my ability.
- Keep our word, never compromise our values, and let our ‘yes’ be ‘yes’ and our ‘no’ be ‘no.’
- Produce and teach communications strategy, products, services, and copywriting techniques that are ethical and beyond reproach without emotional manipulation or high-pressure tactics.
- Pray for our clients, prospects, and sphere of influence.
- Seek the Lord’s leadership, insights, and direction in all matters - life and business.
- Write and share our expertise and qualifications authentically without exaggeration.
Proverbs 16:3 & 9
Turn to the Lord in EVERYTHING, and you will be successful.
Plan what you do, but it is the Lord who will guide your steps.